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Call for papers
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Accepted papers
Invited speakers

List of accepted papers:

Of ants and elephants
Asaf Shiloni, Noa Agmon, and Gal A. Kaminka
Multi-robot systems optimization and analysis using MILP and CLP
Christian Reinl, Florian Ruh, Frieder Stolzenburg, and Oskar von Stryk
Formal behavior specification of multi-robot systems using hierarchical state machines in XABSL
Max Risler and Oskar von Stryk
Combining supervisory control of discrete event systems and reinforcement learning to control MRS
Goncalo Neto and Pedro U. Lima
A temporal logic for multi-agent MDP's
Wojciech Jamroga
Greedy approaches for solving task-allocation problems with coalitions
Xiaoming Zheng and Sven Koenig

We study task-allocation problems where one wants to minimize the team cost subject to the constraint that each task must be executed by a given number of cooperative agents simultaneously, called the coalition for this task. We use the same principle to develop several efficient and effective (greedy) hillclimbing strategies for determining both which agents belong to the coalition for each task and when the coalition should execute the task. We analyze their complexities and compare them experimentally with each other and a previous algorithm on multi-agent routing problems.

A fast conjunctive resampling particle filter for collaborative multi-robot localization
Andrea Gasparri, Stefano Panzieri, and Federica Pascucci

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